


話者:Jon Freeman (Ph.D. Candidate, Tufts University; his webpage:

"The Dynamic Interactive Nature of Real-Time Person Perception"

Perceivers are bombarded by other people’s multiple characteristics
(e.g., sex, race, age) and the sight of their face and sound of their
voice simultaneously. Perceivers also bring a great deal of prior
stereotypic expectations and high-level cognitive states (e.g.,
motivations, prejudice) to the person perception process. How, then,
do all these information sources rapidly conspire to arrive at a focal
perception in just fractions of a second? I will discuss integrative
research using computer mouse-tracking, neuroimaging, and
event-related brain potentials to understand the cognitive and neural
basis of this uniquely rich person perception process. Based on
converging findings, I will present a theory of person perception that
emphasizes its dynamic and interactive nature, and I will capture my
theoretical claims with a computational neural-network model. This
framework understands perceptions of other people as dynamically
evolving over hundreds of milliseconds―while competing with other
possible perceptions―in a mutually constraining interaction with
multiple information sources (e.g., visual face/body processing,
auditory voice processing, stereotypes, high-level cognitive states)
that stabilizes over time. One feature of this dynamic interactive
processing is the ability to take the natural diversity in other
people's sensory information and slot it into rigid social categories
(e.g., male or female). I will present research identifying the neural
mechanisms involved in this kind of categorical transformation, as
well as how these neural mechanisms flexibly interact with top-down
prior knowledge about other people. The implications of the dynamic
and interactive nature of person perception will be discussed.

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